I’ve never participated in NaNo before. NaNo being National Novel Writing Month – write a novel or at least a big chunk of one in a month. Spew words onto the page without editing? No outline, breadcrumbs or even an idea who dunnit? Uhm, not my writing style.
So what does any of that have to do with a new release?
A series of coincidences (of course The Artist’s Way calls it synchronicity; the 60s, serendipity – both are more positive terms, aren’t they?) included a Savvy newsletter, Entangled Publishing’s Smack-down challenge, and the best teammates ever. Meet the Dangerous Divas: Teri Anne Stanley, Anne Lange, Camele W and Greta Genselman. The Divas cheered, pushed and prodded each other to the 50k finish line. Cheers, tears and laughter cemented the new friendships.
The teams in the Smack-down’s winning imprint (that would include the Divas) were invited to submit their “hot mess” manuscripts. Nina Bruhns, executive editor with the new Suspense imprint, saw some promise in the popularly titled “Holly Price and JC Dimitrak’s Book 2,” and asked to see the first book, So About The Money. In a head spinning few months, Entangled Publishing acquired both books, renamed the first one FOR LOVE OR MONEY, blew through rounds of editing, covers and a thousand details, fast tracking for today’s release.
So, after several dark stories, I’ve moved to the lighter end of the mystery/suspense spectrum with FOR LOVE OR MONEY. Written from Holly Price’s perspective, the mystery romps through eastern Washington State with its rivers, wineries, Native American casinos, and assorted farm animals. The relationship, with some wicked fun chemistry between the CPA amateur sleuth and JC Dimitrak, a Franklin County detective, is a big part of the story. FOR LOVE OR MONEY was huge fun to write and the advance reviews say readers like it!
The marketing people at Entangled have arranged a blog tour, complete with Rafflecoptor and prizes, but with the holiday weekend, I don’t have access to the code. Watch for the links later this week 🙂
In the meanwhile, what about you? Have you pushed your boundaries? Found synchronicity?