Merry Post-Christmas

I thought about writing something profound for today, reflecting on the season. Instead, I found myself looking back at an astonishing year and forward into the Great Unknown.

Mostly I thought about our mountain property.

I wrote my very first blog post (ever) right here at Blame It On The Muse, almost exactly two years ago – I Didn’t Get a Tractor for Christmas.


Since then, I’ve shared bits and pieces about our adjustment to rural life. My husband and I actually enjoyed clearing the property (for a while there, we were in a close personal relationship with the guy at the county dump!) and loved watching the birds and critters who showed up on the new paths through the woods or at the pond and river.

We’ve met most of the people in our valley and enjoy the genuine friendships that aren’t looking to further a career or do anything other than get to know you.

This fall, we’ve begun working on house plans. Sure, we have a small weekend place that will one day be a guest house (fabulous for the two of us). It’ll be interesting to have both kids, spouse, and multiple dogs here for several days. Let’s just say the sleeping arrangements will get creative. 🙂

The further we got into the planning process, the more the reality of the transition took hold. In order for us to live here full-time, my husband has to take early retirement. With my day job, I can work anywhere, as long as I can access the internet. Not possible with my husband’s career.

That Next Great Transition is what taps at the back of my head as I wrap the last presents, grocery shop and plan meals. Part of me leaps at the opportunity for travel, for not being tied to his work schedule. Another part worries, have we saved enough money. And another part thinks, Oh my (fill in your own blank), he’ll be home All The Time.


So, what transforming events do you see on your planning horizon?


Writing news update – the MysteryThriller Horror Box Set is still on the Amazon Top Ten in its category and For Love or Money will be included in Entangled Publishing’s Valentine’s Day Boxed Set, releasing January 27, 2014!.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays! 

This post originally appeared at my group blog Blame It On The Muse


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